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The Mammals

Mammal Gallery

Welcome to the gallery of mammals. If you click on any mammal image you will be taken to a slide show where there will be more information about the species and individuals. If you click on the sound player you can here an example of that species' call. On the mobile version the sounds can be found below the gallery.

Black Bear, Ursus americanus

Black Bear, Ursus americanus

Black Bear, Ursus americanus

Black Bear, Ursus americanus

Bobcat, Felis rufus

Bobcat, Felis rufus

Bobcat, Felis rufus

Bobcat, Felis rufus

Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus

Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus

Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus

Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus

Eastern Cottontail, Sylvilagus flori

Eastern Cottontail, Sylvilagus flori

Coyote (Eastern), Canis latrans

Coyote (Eastern), Canis latrans

Coyote (Eastern), Canis latrans

Coyote (Eastern), Canis latrans

Coyote (Eastern), Canis latrans

Coyote (Eastern), Canis latrans

Gray Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis

Gray Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis

Gray Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis

Gray Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis

Groundhog, Marmota monax

Groundhog, Marmota monax

Groundhog, Marmota monax

Groundhog, Marmota monax

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus

Muskrat den

Muskrat den

Striped Skunk, Mephistis mephistis

Striped Skunk, Mephistis mephistis

Raccoon, Procyon Lotor

Raccoon, Procyon Lotor

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes fulvus

River otter, Lutra canadensis

River otter, Lutra canadensis

Virginia Opossum, Didelphis virginia

Virginia Opossum, Didelphis virginia

Opossum, Didelphis virginiana

Opossum, Didelphis virginiana

WTD female after hard winter

WTD female after hard winter

WTD female with twin fawns

WTD female with twin fawns

Odocoileus virginianus fawn

Odocoileus virginianus fawn

WTD juveniles

WTD juveniles

White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer

Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

W-t Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

W-t Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

WT deer young buck

WT deer young buck

WTD, Odocoileus virginianus

WTD, Odocoileus virginianus

American Black Bear - Sound Bible
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American Black Bear - Sound Bible
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Bobcat - Sound Bible
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Angry Chipmunk - Sound Bible
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Coyote Call - Sound Bible
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Raccoon - Sound Bible
00:00 / 00:00
Muskrat (ML 138594) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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Red Fox (ML 60082) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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White-tailed Deer (ML 191216) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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White-tailed Deer (ML 192231) - Mccaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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White-tailed Deer (ML 102896) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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White-tailed Deer (ML 55340) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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Striped Skunk (ML 126375) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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Eastern Gray Squirrel (ML 20431) - Macaulay Library/Cornell Lab
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References Used On This Page


“Animal Sounds | Free Sound Effects | Animal Sound Clips | Sound Bites,” accessed July 24, 2016, All sounds Attribution 3.0, Noncommercial 3.0, or Public Domain.


Chapman, William K., and Dennis Aprill. Mammals of the Adirondacks: A Field Guide. Utica: North Country Books, 1991.


Farrand, John, Jr. National Audubon Society Pocket Guide: Familiar Mammals of North America. 6th ed. New York: Alfred A. Knoph/Borzoi Books/Chanticleer Press, 1995.


Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The following recordings from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology were used: 60082, 20431, 138594, 191216, 192231, 55340, 102896, 126375.


“Mammals - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.” Accessed September 2, 2016.


black bear
LAT 41 degrees 50' 26" N, LON 073 degrees 54' 46" W

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© all photos Jonathan A. Zearfoss

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